
  • Housing Independence (residential and employment services)

    Housing Independence was founded in 2009 to provide opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to learn the life skills and receive supports in maximizing their independence.

  • Britteny Asher Consulting

    Britteny Asher Consulting provides individualized direct and consultation services to adults within the places they live, socialize, work and engages. Our services begin with a comprehensive assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist and/or an Occupational Therapist to identify strengths, needs and considerations to develop and expand skills to enable an individual to participate and contribute in all activities, with all the people in their lives. This means success at work, at the grocery store and at home. Britteny Asher Consulting’s licensed professional work directly with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and Employment Teams to identify strengths and barriers to employment and build skills for long term community based success.

  • Voc Rehab of OR

    Voc Rehab of OR - Get help finding the right job. If you have a disability that makes it hard to find or keep a job, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) may be able to help. They help people with all kinds of disabilities find jobs that match their skills, in terests and abilities.For businesses, we help you connect with skilled talent. We offer recruitment support, training, consultation and more..